Thailand - Guns, snakes and gold teeth

Isn't it funny how time can stretch and pull away from your comprehension depending on where you are and what you're doing. 9.5 hours on a plane seems like agony when you've read half a book, listened to a few albums, eaten two meals etc etc. In the same way ten days in a new place can stretch away from you like an odyssey of adventure, when every day holds a bright promise of fresh experiences. And then in retrospect it seems like you took a mere gasp of air in that place, and in your memory it becomes like a shiny bauble or trinket to ponder over and treasure, filled with wonder and kept close to the heart. Sam, with said palm fronds.. Thailand seems to have passed by in the blink of an eye, but really it was ten days of packed in activities and travels, and best of all many good conversations. Arriving in Chiang Mai was a very pleasant change from the overbearing concrete smog of Bangkok. I spent half a day wandering around town in the company of my new ...