Men and Feminism

--> A number of conversations and events have influenced me greatly in the last few months. My friend was harassed twice while on her way home - on streets that I walk every day. One man attempted to pull her into a car. Another time two guys followed her on bicycles taunting and provoking her. Talking about this with my girlfriend I must admit that I was stunned when she told me that on a weekly basis she is verbally harassed and whistled at from passing cars while walking home – again along a street that I use every day without problem. (Here by harassment I mean the type of behaviour by men towards women that demeans their person, and reduces them to an object of that man’s desire – be it via a wolf whistle, calling her a slut, or by using physical force i.e. dragging her into a car.) Thinking about the harassment experienced by women on a regular basis in my neighbourhood caused me to reflect on the nature of gendered space in society. Whereas a man like me walks...